Board management software that meets your governance

Virtual board meetings have been legal for a long time, but only recently have they become an essential and needed practice. Global developments have accelerated digitalization, and companies have begun to adapt to the new remote working environment. At such a time, board portals are nothing short of a boon for businesses, as these programs meet all board management requirements and provide benefits that improve both the preparation process and the meetings themselves. In this article, we’ll look at the main features of board portals.

What is board software?

In simple terms – board software is a single centralized, secure space designed for remote collaboration that promotes an improved virtual meeting without physical papers and allows for better organization and control of the entire meeting from start to finish. With the whiteboard portal, you can perform all the necessary activities, namely:

  • Share agendas for and other important meeting documents
  • Effectively update and edit documents, providing only up-to-date versions and avoiding errors
  • Share the document, adding notes, comments, annotations
  • Have virtual meetings
  • Have polls and votes
  • Sign and approve essential documents, such as minutes of meetings
  • Enhance communication through secure online discussions
  • Carefully monitor the outcome of meetings, receiving notifications even when documents are read

In addition, whiteboard portals are also an incredibly cost-effective solution. In terms of time and money, it provides you with a paperless environment that is much more secure. The security features allow you to control access to each document precisely. Board portals also improve participant engagement and meeting attendance, which previously may have been inconvenient due to the health or geographical barriers of the participant. Below, we’ll determine how to choose board meetings software that’s exactly right for your management needs. Check security features

The security of virtual space cannot be overstated. Ensure that the place you’ll need to upload your sensitive documents provides you with data encryption, international security standards, and permission control features. Having additional security features is certainly welcome. The more reliable your provider is, the more peace of mind you’ll feel.

Check the collaboration features

Creating documents and preparing a meeting, as a rule, rests on the shoulders of more than one person, so your whiteboard portal should provide a comfortable environment for writing the necessary papers as a team. To do this, whiteboard portals can use the ability to assign tasks and deadlines and collaborative editing within the space. That way, you’ll be able to track the progress of tasks yourself.

Check ease of access

Good board management software ensures that all participants have easy access from anywhere and on any device. So, the software should provide intelligent search to easily find and navigate through documents and offline access to records.

Is there a calendar feature?

A calendar will help you schedule board meetings more visually and efficiently. That way, you can pinpoint the perfect meeting date for most board members and ensure they’ve all been notified of the meeting date and time.

Check what governance features the vendor offers

When running virtual meetings, the program administrator must be able to perform all of the necessary management aspects online. For example, many board portals offer risk management modules. The most important management capability is to issue electronic signatures and approvals through the space.